10 May 2005


blue moon kusinggahi
sejak subuh
sampai siang tadi

awan mengajakku kembali

03.10 am - 02.06 pm @ blue moon


  1. Bicara Biru aku ingat blues clues tapi kalo malam, tatkala semua orang tertidur, jalanan sepi, yang aku cari bukan bluemoon, ga ada itu bulan biru yang ada juga bluebird sahabat di perjalanan. Cuma ya sedikit mahal. Tapi lebih real dari bulan biru :p

  2. begini bah,
    "blue moon" GUE itu ada...
    dan blue moon juga ada...
    blue moon itu adalah sebuah istilah bah... istilah yang digunakan dan real, bukan karena bulannya yang berwarna biru tapi itu hanya istilah...masa kau tidak tau bah? ah...aku tak bisa percaya kalau kau tidak tau.. orang se-cerdas kau gitu loh..

    blue moon itu rarely,
    sama seperti gue yang, nggak ada duanya deh...

    sekilas tentang blue moon...
    (karena abah pakar bahasa asing, maka gue pake english...francais juga boleh hehehe)

    The Blue Moon
    A "Blue Moon" is the name given to the second full moon in a calendar month. Because there are roughly 29.5 days between full moons, it is unusual for two full moons to "fit" into a 30 or 31 day month (and impossible to fit into a 28 or 29 day month, so February can never have a Blue Moon). The saying "Once in a Blue Moon" means a rare occurrence, and predates the current astronomical use of the term, which is quite recent.

    In fact, Blue Moons are not all that rare, on average there will be one Blue Moon every 2.5 years. After 1999, the next Blue Moons will be in November 2001; July 2004; and June 2007. The last one before 1999 was in July 1996.

    The term Blue Moon is believed to have originated in 1883 after the eruption of Krakatoa. The volcano put so much dust in the atmosphere that the Moon actually looked blue in color. This was so unusual that the term "once in a Blue Moon" was coined. However, Blue Moon was also used in much the same way we use the term "Harvest Moon". There were twelve names for full moons, one for each month, and the name Blue Moon was used in years which had 13 full moons. It referred to the third full moon of the four occuring between an equinox and solstice in that year.

    Yf they saye the mone is belewe,
    We must believe that it is true...
